5 Common Causes of Auto Glass Damage and How to Prevent Them

5 Common Causes of Auto Glass Damage and How to Prevent Them

Five Common Causes of Auto Glass Damage in Miami, FL

Auto glass damage can be costly, dangerous, and inconvenient. Even if you take very good care of your vehicle and schedule regular vehicle tune-ups and maintenance, your auto glass can still end up damaged by someone else’s recklessness. At USA Auto Glass Florida, we specialize in auto glass repair and replacement in Miami, Palm Beach, and throughout southwest Florida. Our goal is to keep your vehicle safe and maintain its value and beauty. Read through the most common causes of auto glass damage in Florida and our tips for how to prevent the damage. If your vehicle does suffer from auto glass damage, call us to request an estimate for repairs.

Flying Road Debris & Poor Road Conditions

Both flying road debris and poor road conditions can cause damage to your vehicle’s auto glass. If you routinely drive on unpaved, dirt, or poorly maintained roads, you’re much more likely to kick up debris from your wheels or have debris from a passing car hit your auto glass. Small rocks, stones, dirt, and other debris can be thrown against your auto glass, causing cracks, chips, and breaks. If you often drive on highways or high-speed roadways, you are at an even greater risk of auto glass damage. You can lower your risk of auto glass damage due to debris by sticking to well-maintained and paved roads, driving at a safe speed, not following other vehicles too closely, and pulling off the road in severe wind or inclement weather. You should also make sure your insurance coverage includes paying for the cost of windshield repair or replacement due to poor road conditions or flying debris.

Improper Glass Installation

Poorly or improperly installed auto glass is more likely to become damaged. It can slip in the frame and break, especially on bumpy roads or at high speeds. It is also much more likely to get damaged in a collision. Poorly installed windshields may even have weak points that make them more susceptible to weather fluctuations and cracks. It’s very important to only trust professionals for auto glass installation. Trying to teach yourself how to install auto glass on your vehicle will lead to errors, damaged glass, and possibly a violation of your vehicle’s warranty. An experienced auto glass technician knows exactly how to install a piece of glass so that it fits properly, operates correctly, and lasts as long as possible. When a professional installs your auto glass, you also have access to labor and manufacturer warranties and guarantees.

Collisions & Accidents

Another very common cause of auto glass damage is a vehicle collision. Whether you get into an accident with another vehicle or hit something with your car, you can damage your auto glass. Even at low speeds, your vehicle’s windows, mirrors, and windshield can become damaged. The best ways to reduce your risk of an accident are to drive safely, follow traffic laws and road signs, slow your speed when driving in inclement weather or on unfamiliar roads, practice defensive driving, stay aware, and never drive while tired, impaired, or distracted. While you don’t always have control over how other drivers on the road behave, you can control your level of insurance protection. Make sure your level of insurance coverage is sufficient for auto glass repair or replacement costs.

Extreme Weather

Driving in extreme weather conditions can significantly increase your chance of auto glass damage. Even if your vehicle is parked outside during extreme weather, it is at risk. Lightning, flying debris, high winds, snow, ice, and hail can all damage auto glass. If possible, avoid driving during extreme weather. Keep your vehicle parked in your garage or under covered parking during storms. If you can’t do that, cover your vehicle with a tarp to minimize damage.


Depending on where you live, your car might also be vulnerable to vandalism or theft. Criminals may break your vehicle’s windows to try to steal your vehicle or your belongings. Some people just break car windows for fun. You can protect your vehicle by parking it in a garage when possible. You should also install a vehicle alarm and put a sticker in the window notifying potential criminals that your vehicle is protected. Installing a dash cam can also offer additional protection.

Why Choose USA Auto Glass Florida

At USA Auto Glass Florida, we are a locally owned and operated auto glass repair and replacement company with over 20 years of experience in the industry. We have a team of highly trained and skilled auto glass technicians who are committed to maintaining your vehicle’s safety, beauty, and value. We can quickly assess auto glass damage and determine if it would be safer and more cost-effective to repair the damage or replace the auto glass. We pride ourselves on our exceptional service, and the majority of our business comes from referrals and repeat customers. We specialize in window repair, windshield repair, window replacement, sunroof replacement, power window repair, windshield camera recalibration, RV glass repair, and more.

Request an Estimate for Auto Glass Repair or Replacement

If your vehicle has suffered from auto glass damage in Miami, Palm Beach, or elsewhere in southwest Florida, our team at USA Auto Glass Florida can help. Call us today or contact us online to request an estimate for the cost of auto glass repair or replacement. Our friendly, experienced auto glass technicians can quickly assess your damage and offer a quote. We can also work with your insurance company on your claim.